
No Lies Just BS

Listen to Nick Swartz tell stories about his life. From growin' up in the small VA mountain town of Clifton Forge to his entry into and career in the tattoo industry. All the rough upbringin', punk rock, family, country, skateboardin', good eatin', blues, ass-kickin', tattooed, hard to believe but addictin' to perceive bullshit that can be packed into each episode. His brother Josh helps out and the guests are the best of the best.
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Dec 29, 2020

Dave  Boisineau, formerly of Absolute Art in Richmond, VA and multiple episode podcast guest is back for a new episode to check in and see what's been up. After leaving Richmond and hitting the road, the global pandemic kept him from settling back down, so now he's here with a bunch of stories from living out and about in his van. There's tons for Nick to discuss with Dave and it's all great. If you haven't heard any of Dave's former episodes, they're definitely worth checkin' out, but it's not necessary to enjoy listenin' to this one. Enjoy.

It's the Nick & Andrew show again for Shop Talk, but they do have a pick for y'all from Porter. So there's that. Listen up and learn about great tattoos and the people who make them.

Dec 22, 2020

Back on the show after a good long while is local Rocktown legend Andy Sherman, back to hang out with Nick and talk about all kinds o' paintin' and tattoos and music and movies and just all around general good for ya homemade bullshit. There's never a lull in the mouth runnin' with these two and just to keep it interesting, Alley Cat Tattoo's very own Richie Stutler stops by around the second half to kick things up a notch and join in on all the talk. It's a great time and a good listen, especially when you throw in a world-famous segment of the NLJBS Shop Talk. Porter ain't around this time, so listen as Nick and Andrew discuss some very well done tattoos. Stop lookin' at the bad ones!

Dec 15, 2020

Thad Hockman lives up north a ways from Alley Cat Tattoo and is known by many from miles around as Coach Hockman and is the father of strapping young Alley Cat rookie (of several years) the kickass Jake Hockman. Nick's got 'em both in the NLJBS studios this time for some great story sharin' and just a great conversation about all kinds o' things you didn't know you wanted to know. It's a good one, so crack a brew and check it out. Porter & Andrew join Nick in the latter half for another excellent edition of Shop Talk. You're learnin' something, whether you like it or not. Enjoy.

Dec 8, 2020

Brian French, known in the tattoo industry as "Frenchy" has been tattooing quite a long while. And it turns out he ain't too far away from Alley Cat, so he finally stopped in for a visit and sat down with Nick to connect some stories and share some information and get into some roots in the Shenandoah Valley with some great tattoo tales along the way. It's a long one, and it's great to hear about parts of the lifestyle that have changed so much but got us to where things are today. Andrew and Porter join Nick for another great segment of Shop Talk this week as well. Thanks for listenin'.

Dec 1, 2020

Alley Cat's own veterans of the game Chris "Big Tats" Porter and Sara "Sindi-Ray Boustier" Pennington imbibe and get right with Nick for a wild episode full of stories you may or may not have heard before, but you've never heard anything like. If there's every been a need for some education in your life on the ways of the strip club and all that goes down around 'em, this is the one for you. Strap in and strap on and listen to the antics from these old hands of the glitter empire. Shop Talk wraps things up in the usual educational fashion as Andrew joins Nick & Porter for some good analysis of great tattooing. This is where you wanna be.

Nov 24, 2020

In order to keep bringing you the best and most interesting guests to the NLJBS show, Nick went up to Key City Tattoo in Frederick, MD to bullshit with the one and only Dave Waugh (well, one of two) and had a great old time that you're gonna love to hear about. Part kickass history lesson in tattooing and part nostalgia for the way things were and the way they were going right up until we all got this quarantine to deal with, this episode is a great one. There's a few other folks who chime in here and there to spice things up as well. Andrew & Porter return this week for another edition of your favorite celebration of fine work, Shop Talk. Enjoy.

Nov 17, 2020

It's still twenty-twenty. Lockdowns, masks, no travel, etc. What better time than now for Nick to just sit down with one of the legit main Alley Cat Tattoo crew? This time we've got Mr. Jake Hockman, several year veteran but still youngblood of Alley Cat, Jake has seen and done a ton o' shit since he began working in the 'Burg. You get to hear Nick walk him back through these last several killer years as well as what led up to him takin' a station in Rocktown. It's a non-stop super comfortable good time of a storytellin' session. And while there's not a regular Shop Talk on this one, you're gonna get to hear about a ton of tattooers and even more killer tats as they break down a bunch of their own and others, so you're not missin' out. Andrew and Porter will return soon. Enjoy!

Nov 10, 2020

Good friend of the show and everyone at Alley Cat Tattoo, Blake Cramer - better known as the infamous Troutmouth - drops on by the outside walls of the studio fortress of No Lies Just Bullshit and legendary sensation, Nick Swartz, for a socially distanced, whiskey-soaked quarantine hang where lots of bullshit stories and downhome cover songs are laid down into immortal internet wax for all you bullshitters waitin' things out on the home front. And to top it all off with an old school cherry we got a sweet, sweet segment known to all you veterans of the show as Shop Talk. Tune in as Porter & Andrew join our heroic host to bring to you all the good shit you should be lookin' at.

Nov 3, 2020

It's been a while, but the one and only Sam Berenstain (yes THAT Berenstain) returns to the show once again to chill with Nick and talk about all kinds o' things. You recognize his family name for sure and that does come up, but there's also a lotta serious tat talk and some very interesting discussion about Sam's job farming. Some skills that might come in handy as the world crumbles before our very eyes.

Shop Talk follows up with some great tattoo discussion with Andrew and Porter joining in too. Hell yeah.

Oct 27, 2020

Eric Fischer first appeared on NLJBS on Episode 158, so if ya haven't heard that one, ya might go back and get caught up. Either way, you're gonna hear some kickass points of view from the guy who was tattooing under the OG legend, Peter Tat2 way back in the day. There's no shortage of excellent tat talk in this episode. Enjoy the storytellin' while we're still in this god-damned pandemic lockdown save the world bullshit.

To make things keep on groovin' and better for you and me, we got a sweet-assed Shop Talk for y'all bullshitters that ain't no quick discussion. Lots of personality and killer tattoos to be discussed in this episode. Get in there, mothafuckas'!

Oct 20, 2020

Steve Tiberi of Electromagnetic Tattoo in Chesapeke, VA where he works with Annette LaRou and a killer crew, took the time to chill with Nick whilst he was visitin' down there and they laid down a killer podcast. It has been a while since Steve's last episode and he has continued to represent street shops everywhere heroically and tirelessly, even in a global pandemic. A refreshing break from talking about that very thing and other political bullshit, this is straight up tattoo appreciation and friendship. Two things we can all use all the time, especially now.

Porter & Andrew come in at the tail end to dazzle your senses as they discuss some of the best tattoos being done right now with Nick and it's just an all around good time throughout this episode. We hope y'all enjoy and keep on doin' this thing with us.

Oct 13, 2020

Two hundred and thirteen episodes in and Nick is sitting down once again with the man behind the Tribal Tattoo Tour - Patrick Kitzel himself. This is an episode that you don't want to skip. Things never get political on NLJBS, you all should know that by now. However, if that were going to change, this is how it would happen. Not really going into any kind of politics during this discussion, the theme here really seems to be a conversation about the prevalence of EXTREMISM that seems to be taking hold of a lot of folks around the tattoo industry today. You'll see once you strap in and take off on this though-provoking journey of bullshit and storytellin'.

Stick around for that good ol' Shop Talk to take you home as Andrew and Porter join in to discuss some of the best tattoos they've seen lately. Hang in there on this wild ride we've been callin' twenty-twenty.

Oct 6, 2020

Rob Kinzel has been tattooing forever and has a ton o' great stories from all those years in the biz... and you're about to hear 'em. So sit back, grab a beverage & enjoy.

Rob comes down to us from Leesburg, VA and his shop - Leesburg Body Gallery. He and Nick share an awesome amount of old school learnin', crazy happenins' and just an all around great time. Rob also suggests you get your ass to The Original Brooklyn Ink in NY. You won't regret it.

Shop Talk follows with Andrew, Porter & Nick showing you what want to see on the IG and breakin' down the beauty of it all. Hell yeah.

Sep 29, 2020

Josh Swartz, brother of Nick, co-conspirator in all things Alley Cat Tattoo, NLJBS & Flying Panther, heads up I-81 to join the crew in the studio for a long overdue visit to chat and update y'all on things. The past several hundred episodes are discussed, as well as plans for the future, then Josh tells a tale that Nick has been trying to get him to talk about for a while. It's mostly a story about the army and not feelin' like you fit in, but then some serious shit goes down that sticks in the memory. It's a wild ride with a few other stories thrown in here and there. We hope you'll enjoy.

Shop Talk wraps it up as Porter & Andrew join up to talk about only the sickest latest tats. Hell yeah.

Sep 22, 2020

Travel is limited, conventions are cancelled and random meetings are discouraged. Yeah, quarantine is still in effect. So what do we do when want to record a killer episode of No Lies Just Bullshit? Well, we turn to the amazing artists working with us. Andrew Conner is one of the best in the world  and just happens to work next door. You know him from Shop Talk and a bunch of other episodes. Jake Hockman is a several year veteran of Alley Cat Tattoo while still being the newest member of the family. Knockin' out killer tats here in the valley, Jake jumps in for the majority of this episode and the boys all have a great time hanging with Nick. Porter shows up in the Shop Talk slot. You're gonna love it!

Sep 15, 2020

Nick, Porter & Jake have a good long conversation with Ian from Absolute Art Tattoo in Richmond, VA. Ian was in the friendly city of Harrisonburg recently doing a guest spot at Alley Cat Tattoo and the boys all hang out and talk tattoos and whatever else comes up on this killer episode of your favorite podcast. Andrew will return down the road as well for some new Shop Talks, but there's plenty of talk here to keep you satisfied. Enjoy.

Sep 8, 2020

We got ourselves a talker! While we're still all dealin' with a pandemic in our great nation and it's kinda weird tryin' to figure out how to reach out to more tattooers, etc. Nick has had to come up with some interesting cats closer to home these days. Well we got one for ya! This is Nick's old pal "Gibby" Gibson and you'll learn all about him, the way he and Nick got acquainted and all kinds of other interestin' facts that you didn't know you wanted to know. There's plenty of pleasant tunes spread throughout and just a good ol' long bullshit session. Stay tuned for the Shop Talk you know and love with Andrew and Porter joinin' on in. Heck yeah.

Sep 1, 2020

This episode kicks off with a wild story relating to embalming and goes all over the place after that. It's a third visit for great friend of the show and Alley Cat, Mary Jane. If you haven't heard her other episodes, we recommend that you go check them out. If not, then enjoy your introduction to some very interesting story telling and back and forth with Nick. Shop Talk takes us home with Porter and Andrew and a bunch of killer tattoos. Good times.

Aug 25, 2020

After multiple cancellations of planned podcasts, the crew at Alley Cat Tattoo came through. For you. Like they do. It's true. After laying out a killer spread of grilled seafood and tasty beverages, Nick set up a huge space to socially distance everyone and then set out to capture some awesome stories about the history of the shop and the old days of Harrisonburg, VA and also stories from folks new and old from the shop. You'll hear from a hype Chris Porter (attempts to edit his numerous bellowing outbursts proved futile) and a super appreciative Jake Hockman. Every now and then you might catch a word or two from Richie Stutler, and lots of great insight from a reluctant but exuberant Kate Davis. Everybody has a great time talkin' shit and we hope you will too. And, of course there's a great Shop Talk to follow where Nick, Porter & Jake are of course joined by the legendary Andrew Conner. Hell yes.

Aug 18, 2020

Miky Scheer from Unstoppable Force Tattoo in Glen Allen, VA drove across the state with his daughter Sophie so that they could see Alley Cat and hang with Nick and while doing so, they laid down a killer track full of old stories and lots of familiar names. In addition to doing excellent tattoos, Miky was also in the band Four Walls Falling back in the day and played with all the VA greats whose names you've heard on the show countless times. So give this one a listen and have some fun.

Shop Talk puts the cherry on top with Andrew & Porter joining Nick for some insightful discussion on some sweet tats. Dig it.

Aug 11, 2020

Yoni Zilber is an excellent artist and friend of the show who recently contributed to one of our quarantine - edition short story collections and who has laid down one hell of a great episode last year for NLJBS. If you haven't heard of him, look him up. If you haven't heard his other episode, we strongly encourage that you go back and check that one out first. There are some intense tales on that one. Either way, sit back and grab a drink and enjoy this hangout at Nick's crib in picturesque Elkton, Virginia. Don't change the channel when they're through so that you don't miss another exciting entry of the one and only Shop Talk where our hero is joined by hilarious hosts and knowledgeable knuckleheads Chris Porter & Andrew Conner. It's the jam.

Aug 4, 2020

Nick heads over to the home of dear friend and bullshit sage Uncle Dave for another killer episode that doesn't shy away from the real talk, but brings you right to the table hangin' out with two great co-conspirators as they drink and laugh while hittin' you with the real deal storytellin'. It's always a great time full of old school thoughts and memories when these two get together.

Porter and Andrew bring you the excellent artistry of their favorite tattoos this week as they discuss just what makes them great with Nick and they all three throw in some wise words and silly shit to keep you comin' back. Hell yeah.

Jul 28, 2020

It's been a while since Porter got his own episode. He's been too busy hustlin' since the reopening of Alley Cat. But when times are rough and not too many folks are travelin' - you turn to the people who are close and you can count on. And that's Chris Porter in a nutshell. Great dude, excellent tatter, awesome friend. And if you don't already know some of those things, you're fuckin' up - get back in those archives and check out some of his early episodes. Doing great tattoos for years and helping flesh out the podcast by joining Nick and Andrew every week for Shop Talk, you are definitely going to get a kick out of this hang with him and your dedicated host, Nick Swartz.

Shop Talk finishes it off and you get to hear about more amazing tattoos. Enjoy!

Jul 21, 2020

Yoni Silber returns to the podcast with this hangout and quick recounting of two wild stories from his tattoo past. He sent them in back when we were doing the short stories episodes and now we finally get to squeeze him in with a good time hangout with our very own Andrew Conner. He tells Nick a great travelin' story. Shop Talk wraps things up for this one with Mr. Porter joinin' the boys to talk about some great tattoos. Enjoy.

Jul 14, 2020

Josh Brown from James River Tattoo in Lynchburg and George Archer from Tantrum Tattoo in Petersburg sit down with Nick and bullshit for the two hundredth. It has been a long and crazy ride, which Nick details in the intro. The episode ends somewhat abruptly, but it's a long one that you are all gonna love.

Andrew and Porter come through with a Shop Talk once again while Nick gets out there in the field to keep bringin' these to ya.

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