
No Lies Just BS

Listen to Nick Swartz tell stories about his life. From growin' up in the small VA mountain town of Clifton Forge to his entry into and career in the tattoo industry. All the rough upbringin', punk rock, family, country, skateboardin', good eatin', blues, ass-kickin', tattooed, hard to believe but addictin' to perceive bullshit that can be packed into each episode. His brother Josh helps out and the guests are the best of the best.
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Dec 24, 2024

It's been a while since we've had a musical guest on the show, and you won't be disappointed this time. One of Nick's favorite places to hang out down the road from his old house is his local Moose Lodge. You've already heard many stories from the joint and heard from guests who've played there. Well Nick met Tucker Wyatt after a show and they became friends. So he came to Alley Cat Tattoo along with his band and they all hung out, told stories and played music in the back room, the in development NLJBS studios. It's a fun one with some great songs. 

Dec 10, 2024

Veteran tattooer Nick Caruso came down to VA from his shop on Staten Island, Bound For Glory Tattoo to visit Alley Cat and chill with Nick at the shop for a while. This is a great talk including lots of thoughts on tattooing from the past to what things are like right now. Lots of great stories and a few drinks. You won't want to miss this conversation if you love tattoos like these guys. Check it out.

Nov 26, 2024

While at the first Norfolk Tattoo Convention last month, Nick finally had the chance to sit down with long-time tattoo legend Dana Brunson for a while. From the moment they begin, it's a non-stop tale of family, art and tattooing. You'll think you listened to a multiple hour episode in just under an hour. No excuse not to finish this one. You don't want to miss this conversation. Dana tattoos out of Cincinnati to this day and has amazing collections and stories. So enjoy the episode and thanks for listening.

Nov 12, 2024

For years and years, Nick has been trying to get together with this episode's guest and they finally connected at the Norfolk Tattoo Arts Festival last month. Mario Desa attended the convention, coming all the way from Great Lakes Tattoo in Chicago. After a rough few weeks and the loss of some great people close to the show, this episode is a long one that's a celebration of all things tattooing and the lifestyles connected to it. Hip-Hop, mobster movies and tattoo beginnings. It's all here, so check it out. Another great episode with another legend.

Oct 29, 2024

At the Norfolk Tattoo Arts Festival in Virignia put on by Mr. JD Crowe, Nick had the chance to sit down with an atist who was introduced at Pagoda this summer. Swasthik Iyengar is an artist working in NY who is originally from India and spent many years in Australia as well. This is truly an interesting episode beginning with some informative talk of various religious factions and classes. There's a lot of love for tattoos and friends made along the way being discussed here. It's a shorter episode, but very entertaining. Enjoy.

Oct 15, 2024

It's a sad time in the world of tattooing, but Nick and Porter are going to talk about all of the good times they had with the legend that is Brian Bruno. Hangin' out in the empty lot behind the new location of Alley Cat Tattoo, they visit the location of the house where Nick and Andrew lived during the time they all first met Brian back in the early 2000's. It's a great episode looking back at a lot of fun times, good advice and great friends. Don't miss this one if you miss the legend. No Lies Jus Bullshit. Brian Bruno forever.

Oct 8, 2024

Hey, yeah, we got us a few phone calls into the NLJBS Hotline for the off-week episode. Among the topics this time are Alley Cat Tattoo's Grand Re-Opening party and the situation down in the hills of Asheville NC after the hurricane. We love putting out these in-between episodes if enough of y'all call in to the Hotline, so what are you waiting for? It's a great way to keep up the discussion of our shared love of tattooing and everything that surrounds it. Plus, as we hear this week, a great way to discuss current events and how you can help out the community if able. Thanks for listenin'.

Oct 1, 2024

Alley Cat Tattoo was still settling in to the new location up the street from the old shop when Wrath came all the way from Hawaii with Nate Rose to meet up with none other than the legend Mike Schweigert to visit some shops on the East Coast and stop by to hang out with Nick and the crew. Wrath gives us an update on his situation and everybody joins in on some serious tattoo discussions throughout the episode. Alley Cat's own Andrew Conner, Trevor Smith, Jake Hockman and Brian Tiger join the hang and make this an episode you don't want to miss if you love tattoos.

Sep 17, 2024

Legendary guest JD Crowe is back again with another NLJBS episode to have a chat with Nick about the upcoming Norfolk Tattoo Expo, October 17-20th in Norfolk, VA. There are going to be so many amazing artists and personalities from the history of tattooing there all weekend, so listen up to all the details and what you can expect when you get there. There's also a ton of tattoo history involving conventions spoken about right here on this episode. Check it out and get yourself to Norfolk next month. Enjoy.

Sep 3, 2024

It's the third podcast that Nick was able to record at this year's Pagoda City Tattoo Festival, and it's a killer one to wrap things up. Everyone's favorite fast-talker from Inksmith & Rogers is back. That's right, Angelo is here once again to match talkin' shit with Nick. This time, he's brought with him a great friend: Mr. Jimmy P from Full Hearts Tattoo is here to hang with us and keep up with some killer tales of his own. As usual, you won't want to miss this new and exciting piece of old and amazing tattoo history. No Lies Just Bullshit: gettin' these stories down so they're not lost to time. Enjoy.

Aug 20, 2024

Day two of the Pagoda City Tattoo Festival and Nick had the chance to sit down with legend Kris Magnotti. The stories start off wild and end crazy and it's an entertaining couple of hours throughout. You're not gonna want to miss some of the things Kris has gone through on his road to tattooing. Just a great episode of bullshit like we love to bring to you listeners. Magnotti tattoos at Good Luck NYC and will hopefully be sharing more of his work online after this. His buddy Sam Yamini from Dedication Tattoo in Denver, CO hangs out during the episode as well as you'll hear. It's a great time. Enjoy!

Aug 6, 2024

It's that time of year again when we travel up to PA and attend the Pagoda City Tattoo Festival and hang out with all of the amazing artists. This year, Nick got three great podcasts and the first one coming to you is Marc Nava. Coming all the way from Port City Tattoo in California, this is a great episode detailing some amazing stories involving some real legends in the industry. It's a great start to some great shows. Enjoy.

Jul 30, 2024

Weatherholz is back on NLJBS! This time it's a quick one on the off-week to talk about Pagoda. Alley Cat Tattoo will be there and Nick is sure to lock down some great podcasts for us. But listen to these guys talk about all the fun, and we'll see ya there!

Jul 23, 2024

It's been a while, but Will Lollie is back on NLJBS while visiting the new and improved location of Alley Cat Tattoo in Harrisonburg. It's a great conversation with an amazing tattoo artist that you won't want to miss. The new shop is open and we should be back on track releasing these killer conversations for you. Will tattoos at King's Ave. in NY among many former NLJBS guests. Give this one a listen. It's a great one. Andrew, Trevor and Jake hang out off and on throughout as well. So hear what they have to contribute, then travel to VA and get tattooed by them at this amazing new space.

Jul 9, 2024

Well, yeah - this shoulda been a week with a guest, but we were a little busy moving our shop from the place it's been for the last 23 years into a new building. Nick will tell you all about, and then you can hear a few call-ins talking about all kinds of stuff. Enjoy.

Jun 25, 2024

It's the final episode in the ol' 990 Reservoir location of the No Lies Just Bullshit makeshift studio at Alley Cat Tattoo's 23 year long location, and the crew from Burnside Tattoo in Hagerstown, MD made the trip down south to see the shop in its current iteration one last time. Join Glessner, longtime friend of the show and former guest and get to know the man from CA, Mr. A.B. and hear some tales from the one and only Hawk, as well as an insight or two from shop apprentice Joey. Trey couldn't make it. Maybe next time at the new joint. It's a great episode with lots of old stories and a great hang. Enjoy it while we continue our progress.

Jun 11, 2024

It's been a while, but Civ is back on the show, calling in to talk with Nick about his upcoming New York Tattoo Convention. It's not the longest episode, but it's a great discussion about all kinds of things and what you can expect with the convention coming up. Always a great time hearing from Civ. Enjoy.

Jun 4, 2024

Here it is: another Hotline episode. You call in and Nick answers your questions and checks out your story. There are some really good ones here and kind of goes all over the place. Enjoy.

May 28, 2024

You've heard him on here before with Jill Bonny multiple times. Well, now Chris Wielk gets his own episode to sit down with Nick and talk for over two hours about some excellent thoughts about tattooing and much more. But mostly tattoos! Andrew is around for the first portion, and then Jake comes in about halfway. It's a great conversation and the perfect thing to celebrate over 350 episodes of No Lies Just Bullshit. Thank you for joining us. Tell your friends.

May 14, 2024

You know him from Shop Talk, Alley Cat Tattoo and all of his appearances on this show. Give it up to our guy - Mr. Chris Porter. He has now been tattooing for over twenty years. Porter sits down with Nick to discuss several of those years and a lot of things that went down in between, and a whole lot that's still happening. It's a great one celebrating one of our favorite people. 

May 7, 2024

Thanks to everyone who called in so that we could have a Hotline this week. This is a really great way to spark conversations, speak your opinions, and record some of the small stories that happen so they are not forgotten. Everybody loves to bullshit and we all love to listen. Nick expands upon each of the segments with his own thoughts that you have come to love over the last few years. So keep 'em coming and give us a call to hear what you want to hear on the show. Hell yeah.

Apr 30, 2024

Legendary tattoo shop Inksmith & Rogers celebrated their 40th Anniversary and Nick took a trip down to Florida to celebrate. Along with him were Porter & Sara from Alley Cat and Mark Bell from Main St. Tattoo in Salem, VA - all veterans of the show. In this episode, all four of them discuss the trip, but there are a few segments recorded live at the party. The first one is with Tom from London who tells Nick a great Scott Sterling story. Then Nick sits down with Angelo and Eric Desmond for a while with a guest appearance from Mike Wilson and then a wild story from Angus Perfect. Then Angelo, Swed and Nick Colella tell Nick some tales until Eric Inksmith himself shows up to talk about the event. It's a great episode with tons of tattoo history and topics that range from the industry to mind-altering substances. Check it out.

Apr 23, 2024

Hey, alright - y'all finally called in enough times to get one of these together for the off week. It's another edition of the NLJBS Hotline. This time we've got some great topics that come up, as well as some goofin' around. But we love doing these, so keep on callin' and share with us what you love about tattooing. 

Apr 16, 2024

If you've been listening for a while, you know our guest this time. It's the return of Uncle Dave. Nick sits down at Dave's place for an update on what he's got going on right now. It's not a long episode, but it's a great visit with a great man who has been a favorite many times on the show. Check it out and if you get a chance give the Hotline a call and we'll see you back here next week.

Apr 2, 2024

Inspired by a recent call from one of the Hotline episodes, Nick gathers the crew together to discuss some of the tattoos that have stood out in everyone's memory over the years. Nick is joined by Alley Cat's very own Andrew Conner, Jake Hockman and Richie Stutler. It's a really fun walk down memory lane with a lot of discussions throughout about what makes a great tattoo that just sticks with ya. Even when it's not on ya.

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