*...formerly titled "War"
Nick is joined by Ryan "Braces" Wall of Black Rabbit Tattoo in Richmond, VA. The frontman for hardcore asskickers Bracewar and former Absolute Art shop guy chills with Nick for some good bullshit.
Shop Talk holds things down like you love.
*...formerly titled "Punk"
Nick talks with Andrew Conner once agian for a good long time. The Alley Cat artist and longtime friend waxes poetic on musical influences and artistic inspiration as he reminisces with Nick about growin' up punk and slightly hip-hop and fully rad.
Enjoy the hell out of this one, bullshitters and stick around for the Shop Talk, of course!
*...formerly titled "Uphill"
Local legend and Alley Cat all-star Mister Chris Porter is back with his second full-length sit down with Nick for some deep down bullshit.
Stick around for Shop Talk for even more Nick & Porter and a healthy dose of Andrew Conner.
Good fuckin' times.
*...formerly titled "Warehouse"
Nick is joined by travelin' artist Randy Hall out of Hero Tattoo who just happened to be drivin' by Harrisonburg and stopped in for a chat.
Shop Talk digs for gold.