Close friend of the shop and the podcast, Andy Sherman, is back for another episode. He takes a break from slingin' those oil paints to sit down and have a chat with Nick about all kinds of stuff. Porter joins the boys toward the end and everyone has a good ol' time.
Stick around as Andy & Porter join Nick for another edition of Shop Talk where some amazing tattoos are discussed. Andrew Conner will return soon. For now, enjoy!
To get the New Year started off, we've got somethin' a little different for y'all. This is an entire episode dedicated to being a fly on the wall out at Nick's house for a New Year's Jam and hangout. You'll recognized some of the names and voices on this one. There really aren't any stories or long-winded discussions here, just some great tunes and good times.
Shop Talk makes a return this week, however! Mr. Andrew Conner is still busy livin' life, so as a guest, Mr. Andrew Sherman show up to hang out and talk tats with Nick and Porter.