Well, it's cold and it's bleak and it's still the middle of this thing we've been in for a while now, but sometimes a ray of light breaks through the branches and a warm whistles on outta the woods and strolls in to your castle with camaraderie, beverages and stories. That's what we've got here this week as these two legends of Rock Town V A have a chat and there ain't no interruptin' them once they get started. You'll be sittin' there with 'em and just enjoying the conversation and sometimes you just don't even know why. These two are just easy to hear. It'll all make sense in the episode, so enjoy this one and we'll keep bringing you bullshit weekly and keep mixing it up as best we can. You know we won't let ya down. Shop Talks are on a bit of a hiatus, but they'll return as soon as we can do it!