Back in the early days of the podcast, we were honored to have sat down for a while with one of the old school tattooers down in Richmond. Frank Mills, rest in peace, had us over at his place to hang out and see some old stuff and hear some old tales. Mr. David Boysno and the one and only George Archer joined us in this discussion. You'll hear all about how this happened and some of the unusual things you can expect when you sit down to listen to this, but just know that this was back when we first started the show. We had no idea yet what we were doing, and our equipment spoke to that fact. And in addition to everything you'll hear Nick say about what went on back then, the file also inexplicably cuts off right in the middle of a good Frank story. So this is it, finally repaired and though it's not much and it's not complete, it's a piece of tattoo history that we hope you'll all enjoy.